Interface Summary | |
Model.ElementFactory | A factory object responsible for creating the correct
ModelElement subclass object for a NSUML MModelElement
encountered during loading. |
Property | Interface for items which represent a property of a StructuredType . |
PropertyElement | Interface for ModelElement s that can be represented by a Property . |
TypedItem | Interface for items which have a certain Type . |
UmlStereotypes | Definitions of standard Stereotype s needed
for the com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml package. |
UmlTags | Definitions of standard TagDefinition s needed
for the com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml package. |
UmlTypes | Definitions of standard DataType s, ClassType s and InterfaceType s
for the com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml package. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractElementFactory | A base implementation of Model.ElementFactory . |
Abstraction | A UML Abstraction. |
Actor | A UML Actor. |
Association | A UML Association. |
Association.End | Represents a UML AssociationEnd. |
Attribute | A UML Attribute. |
ClassType | A UML Class. |
Constructor | A UML Operation for a constructor of a ClassType . |
DataType | A UML DataType. |
Feature | The base class for features of a StructuredType . |
Generalization | A UML Generalization. |
Holder | Utility class to hold an Object which may not be initialised until required. |
InterfaceType | A UML Interface classifier. |
Model | A UML model. |
Model.ElementType | Type-safe enumeration for the standard UML element types,
as used in Stereotype as the base class type. |
ModelElement | Base class with common functionality for all Jamda UML elements which can be
contained within a Model , and Model itself. |
ModelElement.ElementListStore | |
ModelElement.ElementNameListStore | |
ModelElement.ElementNameStore | |
ModelElement.ElementStore | |
ModelPackage | A UML Package, which may contain other packages. |
NSUtil | Utility methods used with the NSUML classes. |
Operation | A UML Operation, owned by a StructuredType . |
Parameter | A UML Parameter. |
Procedure | Represents the semantics of an Operation . |
Procedure.Language | Typesafe enum to represent the language of a Procedure body. |
PropertyBuilder | A builder object for creating Property objects, either based on an existing
Property , or completely new. |
PropertyBuilder.PropertyImpl | Implementation of the Property interface returned by PropertyBuilder.getProperty() . |
PropertyPredicate | A Predicate object for selecting Property objects. |
PropertyTransformer | A Transformer object for transforming Property objects. |
ReturnParameter | A UML Parameter of direction kind RETURN. |
StandardClassDef | Defines a standard Class which is required in a Model . |
StandardDataTypeDef | Defines a standard DataType which is required in a Model . |
StandardElementDef | The base class for definitions of standard elements. |
StandardInterfaceDef | Defines a standard InterfaceType which is required in a Model . |
StandardStereotypeDef | Defines a standard Stereotype which is required in a Model . |
StandardTagDef | Defines a standard TagDefinition which is required in a Model . |
StandardTypeDef | Abstract baseclass for classes which define a standard Type
that is required in a Model . |
StdElementFactory | A factory for the standard ModelElement s in the
com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml package. |
StdTags | A holder for standard tag names used by this package. |
Stereotype | A UML Stereotype. |
StructuredType | The base class for non-primitive UML types. |
StructuredType.Aggregation | Typesafe enum to represent the aggregation of Association.End s
and Attribute s in a type. |
StructuredType.PropertyImpl | Implementation of the Property interface for a getter and/or setter Operation . |
StructuredType.Visibility | Typesafe enum to represent the visibility of Operation s
and Attribute s in a type. |
TagDefinition | A UML Tag Definition. |
TagDefinition.TagType | Type-safe enumeration for the allowable tag types. |
Type | Base class for UML metamodel classes which represent types of data. |
Exception Summary | |
ModelElement.DuplicateElementException | Thrown by ModelElement.loadElement(ru.novosoft.uml.foundation.core.MModelElement) to indicate a duplicate element. |
ModelElement.UnknownElementException | Thrown by ModelElement.loadElement(ru.novosoft.uml.foundation.core.MModelElement) to indicate an unknown element. |
Provides classes and interfaces for handling UML metamodel elements.
. From this class it is possible to query and navigate to all the elements contained within the model.
This class is also responsible for loading and saving models in XMI format.
The base class for all the metamodel element classes is ModelElement
. This class implements many functions
that are common to all metamodel elements. Some metamodel elements have additional subclasses for specialised instances
of those elements, for example Operation
and its subclass Constructor
and Parameter
and its subclass ReturnParameter
fulfils this role, and it has several implementations based on Attribute
s and Association.End
s for StructuredType
and also Parameter
s for an Operation
. Property
can be selected using PropertyPredicate
and transformed using PropertyTransformer
in order to support transformations. These
may be Stereotype
s or TagDefinition
s that identify particular elements or properties
used by the transformation, or they may be Type
s that need to be present in the Model
These required elements are represented by StandardElementDef
and its subclasses.