Package com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform

Classes to control the Jamda transformations.


Interface Summary
ElementTransformer Interface for a class which can perform an operation on a UML ModelElement.
ModelTransformer Interface for a class which can perform an operation on a UML Model.
TransformerConfig Base interface for a class which can configure a ModelTransformer.

Class Summary
AbstractModelTransformer A base class with common functions for ModelTransformer implementations.
BasicTransformer A basics for ModelTransformer implementation that applies a given ElementTransformer to ModelElements with a given Stereotype.
ClassCreatorTransformer A ModelTransformer which can add new classes or interfaces to a UML Model.
CodeGenTransformer A ModelTransformer which can generate code files from a UML Model.
Transformation Runs a transformation on an XMI UML file.
UmlClassCreator Generates a new ClassType from a given source StructuredType.
UmlInterfaceCreator Generates a new InterfaceType from a given source StructuredType.
UmlTypeCreator Base class for classes which create a StructuredType from a given source StructuredType.

Exception Summary
ModelTransformer.TransformException Thrown by ModelTransformer.transform(com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.Model) to indicate an error in the trnsformation.

Package com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform Description

Classes to control the Jamda transformations.

The ModelTransformer interface must be implemented by classes that perform a transformation on an entire Model. The ElementTransformer interface is implemented by classes that perform a transformation on a single ModelElement. The AbstractModelTransformer class is a common superclass for ModelTransformer implementations. The BasicTransformer class is a ModelTransformer that can be configured to apply an ElementTransformer to a certain set of elements in the Model. The Transformation class is an overall controller for a set of ModelTransformers to be applied in sequence. The Jamda Ant task sets up a Transformation and runs it.

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