Class Actor


public class Actor
extends ModelElement

A UML Actor.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.ModelElement
ModelElement.DuplicateElementException, ModelElement.ElementListStore, ModelElement.ElementNameListStore, ModelElement.ElementNameStore, ModelElement.ElementStore, ModelElement.TaggedValue, ModelElement.UnknownElementException
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.ModelElement
Constructor Summary
Actor(ru.novosoft.uml.behavioral_elements.use_cases.MActor ma, ModelPackage mp)
          Creates new Actor from a NSUML MActor object.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getFullName()
          Get the full name of this Actor, which excludes the names of the containing packages
 java.lang.String getFullNameWithPackages()
          Get the full name of this Actor, including the names of the containing packages
Methods inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.ModelElement
add, addStereotype, addTaggedValue, addTaggedValue, addTaggedValues, addTaggedValuesInternal, checkInitialised, checkState, checkValid, findTaggedValueCollection, getBooleanTaggedValue, getChildElements, getComment, getDescription, getDirectSource, getElement, getElementType, getId, getModel, getName, getNsElement, getOriginalSource, getParentElement, getProperties, getStereotypes, getStringTaggedValue, getSubElementStore, getTaggedValue, getTaggedValues, getXpathContext, hasStereotype, hasTaggedValue, init, initLoad, isInitialised, load, load, load, loadElement, logChange, logger, logger, logLoad, logLoadWarning, logNew, logWarning, removeTaggedValue, select, setComment, setDirectSource, setTaggedValue, setTaggedValue, setTaggedValue, setTaggedValues, stereotype, tag, tagError, toString, type, type, type, xpath, xpathList
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Actor(ru.novosoft.uml.behavioral_elements.use_cases.MActor ma,
             ModelPackage mp)
Creates new Actor from a NSUML MActor object.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFullName()
Get the full name of this Actor, which excludes the names of the containing packages

getFullName in class ModelElement


public java.lang.String getFullNameWithPackages()
Get the full name of this Actor, including the names of the containing packages

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