Uses of Class

Packages that use Type
com.ashridgetech.jamda.ejb.uml Extended metamodel classes for EJB-related classes. 
com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml Provides classes and interfaces for handling UML metamodel elements. 

Uses of Type in com.ashridgetech.jamda.ejb.uml

Subclasses of Type in com.ashridgetech.jamda.ejb.uml
 class DataTransferObjectType
          Base class for classes which are a UML representation of a Data Transfer Object class.
 class DescObjectType
          A UML representation of a Descriptor Object class.
 class UpdateObjectType
          A UML representation of an Updates Object class.
 class ValueObjectType
          A UML representation of a Value Object class.

Uses of Type in com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml

Subclasses of Type in com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml
 class ClassType
          A UML Class.
 class DataType
          A UML DataType.
 class InterfaceType
          A UML Interface classifier.
 class StructuredType
          The base class for non-primitive UML types.

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