Class DataTransferObjectType

Direct Known Subclasses:
DescObjectType, UpdateObjectType, ValueObjectType

public abstract class DataTransferObjectType
extends ClassType

Base class for classes which are a UML representation of a Data Transfer Object class.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.StructuredType
StructuredType.Aggregation, StructuredType.PropertyImpl, StructuredType.Visibility
Nested classes inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.ModelElement
ModelElement.DuplicateElementException, ModelElement.ElementListStore, ModelElement.ElementNameListStore, ModelElement.ElementNameStore, ModelElement.ElementStore, ModelElement.TaggedValue, ModelElement.UnknownElementException
Field Summary
static java.lang.String STD_OBJECT_ID_NAME
          The standard name for the object id property.
 StandardClassDef STD_OBJECT_ID_TYPE
          The standard type for the object id property.
Fields inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.StructuredType
Fields inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.ModelElement
Constructor Summary
protected DataTransferObjectType( mc, ModelPackage parentPackage)
          Initialises new DataTransferObjectType during loading.
protected DataTransferObjectType(ModelPackage parentPackage, java.lang.String name, ClassType source, Actor actor)
          Initialises a new DataTransferObjectType belonging to a ModelPackage.
Method Summary
protected  DataTransferObjectTypeFactory factory()
          Find the DataTransferObjectTypeFactory for this element's Model.
protected abstract  Type findPropertyType(Property property)
          Find the Type to use in this value object for a property of the source class.
 Actor getActor()
          Get the Actor for which this value object is intended.
 java.lang.String getOidName(StructuredType type)
          Find the name of the object property for a given StructuredType.
 Type getOidType(StructuredType type)
          Find the type of the object id property for a given StructuredType.
 ClassType getSourceClass()
          Get the source class for this value object.
protected  void setup(java.util.List properties)
          Common set up functions.
Methods inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.ClassType
addInterface, addProperty, checkValid, getAssociationEnds, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getAttributes, getAttributes, getAttributes, getConstructors, getInterfaces, getSubElementStore, getSuperClass, isAbstract, isSimple, makeProperties, makeProperty, propertyInitCode, setAbstract, setSuperClass, setVisibility
Methods inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.StructuredType
addProperties, addReadOnlyProperty, addSuperType, addWritableProperty, getAllProperties, getAllTaggedValues, getOperation, getOperation, getOperations, getOperations, getOperations, getOperations, getOperations, getParentPackage, getProperties, getProperty, getSubTypes, getSuperTypes, getVisibility, load, setStructuredTypeVisibility
Methods inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.ModelElement
add, addStereotype, addTaggedValue, addTaggedValue, addTaggedValues, addTaggedValuesInternal, checkInitialised, checkState, findTaggedValueCollection, getBooleanTaggedValue, getChildElements, getComment, getDescription, getDirectSource, getElement, getElementType, getFullName, getId, getModel, getName, getOriginalSource, getParentElement, getProperties, getStereotypes, getStringTaggedValue, getTaggedValue, getTaggedValues, getXpathContext, hasStereotype, hasTaggedValue, init, initLoad, isInitialised, load, load, loadElement, logChange, logger, logger, logLoad, logLoadWarning, logNew, logWarning, removeTaggedValue, select, setComment, setDirectSource, setTaggedValue, setTaggedValue, setTaggedValue, setTaggedValues, stereotype, tag, tagError, toString, type, type, type, xpath, xpathList
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String STD_OBJECT_ID_NAME
The standard name for the object id property. Set to "oid".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public final StandardClassDef STD_OBJECT_ID_TYPE
The standard type for the object id property. Set to UmlTypes.INT_CLASS . Cannot be static as needs to use ModelElement.type(com.ashridgetech.jamda.uml.StandardDataTypeDef).

Constructor Detail


protected DataTransferObjectType(ModelPackage parentPackage,
                                 java.lang.String name,
                                 ClassType source,
                                 Actor actor)
Initialises a new DataTransferObjectType belonging to a ModelPackage.


protected DataTransferObjectType( mc,
                                 ModelPackage parentPackage)
Initialises new DataTransferObjectType during loading.

Method Detail


protected DataTransferObjectTypeFactory factory()
Find the DataTransferObjectTypeFactory for this element's Model.


public ClassType getSourceClass()
Get the source class for this value object. This will be the class whose details are held in a snapshot by this class.


public Actor getActor()
Get the Actor for which this value object is intended.


protected void setup(java.util.List properties)
Common set up functions. If a superclass is to be added, it should be done before this method is called.

properties - the properties needed in this class


protected abstract Type findPropertyType(Property property)
Find the Type to use in this value object for a property of the source class.


public Type getOidType(StructuredType type)
Find the type of the object id property for a given StructuredType.

type - the type for which the object id is required
the oid type, or STD_OBJECT_ID_TYPE if no oid type is specified for type


public java.lang.String getOidName(StructuredType type)
Find the name of the object property for a given StructuredType.

type - the type for which the object id is required
the oid property name, or STD_OBJECT_ID_NAME if no oid type is specified for type

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