Uses of Class

Packages that use ModelTransformer.TransformException
com.ashridgetech.jamda.ejb.transform Classes to control a Jamda transformation step that produces EJB classes. 
com.ashridgetech.jamda.test JUnit test classes for the Jamda classes. 
com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform Classes to control the Jamda transformations. 

Uses of ModelTransformer.TransformException in com.ashridgetech.jamda.ejb.transform

Methods in com.ashridgetech.jamda.ejb.transform that throw ModelTransformer.TransformException
 void ValueObjectCreator.transform(ModelElement element)
          Transform a given ModelElement.

Uses of ModelTransformer.TransformException in com.ashridgetech.jamda.test

Methods in com.ashridgetech.jamda.test that throw ModelTransformer.TransformException
 void ValueObjectTest.testValueObjectCreator()
          Tests that ValueObjectCreator transforms correctly.
 void ValueObjectTest.testValueObjectCodeGen()
          Tests that ValueObjectCreator followed by CodeGenTransformer leads to correct files.
 void TransformerTest.testBasic()
          Tests various basic functions.

Uses of ModelTransformer.TransformException in com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform

Methods in com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform that throw ModelTransformer.TransformException
 Model xmiFileName)
          Run a transformation against a given XMI file.
 Model xmiFile)
          Run a transformation against a given XMI file.
 void inputModel)
          Run a transformation against a given Model.
 void ModelTransformer.transform(Model model)
          Transform a given Model.
 java.util.Collection ModelTransformer.standardElementDefs()
          Get the definitions of the standard model elements required by the transformer.
 void ElementTransformer.transform(ModelElement element)
          Transform a given ModelElement.
 void CodeGenTransformer.transform(Model model)
          Generate code for certain classes in a Model.
protected  UmlTypeGenerator CodeGenTransformer.makeGenerator(StructuredType element)
          Create a UmlTypeGenerator which can be used to generate the code for a class.
 void BasicTransformer.setElementTransformerClass(java.lang.Class elementTransformerClass)
          Set the class which will process the selected elements.
 void BasicTransformer.validateTransformerClass(java.lang.Class elementTransformerClass)
          Validate the elementTransformerClass passed to BasicTransformer.setElementTransformerClass(java.lang.Class).
 void BasicTransformer.transform(Model model)
          Process the selected elements in a Model.
 java.util.Collection BasicTransformer.standardElementDefs()
          Get the definitions of the standard model elements required by the transformer.
protected  ElementTransformer BasicTransformer.makeElementTransformer(ModelElement element)
          Create an ElementTransformer which can process the source element.
 java.util.Collection AbstractModelTransformer.selectElements(Model model)
          Select the elements in a Model which will be processed by this transformer.
 java.util.Collection AbstractModelTransformer.standardElementDefs()
          Default implementation that returns an empty set.

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