Class BusinessInterfaceCreator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BusinessInterfaceCreator
extends UmlInterfaceCreator

Generates a new InterfaceType for a Business Interface from a given source ClassType. The name of the new InterfaceTypeis the same as the source. A property is created in the new interface for each public Attribute in the source with the property Stereotype. Each instance may only be used to generate one element.

Paul Boocock version 1.0

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform.UmlTypeCreator
Constructor Summary
          Construct a BusinessInterfaceCreator for a Java interface.
Method Summary
protected  java.util.Set extraStandardDefClasses()
          Get the Classes which contain definitions of the standard elements needed for this class to operate on the model, in the form of StandardElementDef constants.
protected  void setup()
          Set up the characteristics and features of the new element.
Methods inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform.UmlInterfaceCreator
getNewInterface, makeNewInterface, makeNewType, toString
Methods inherited from class com.ashridgetech.jamda.transform.UmlTypeCreator
addOperation, addOperation, addOperation, addProperty, checkReadyToCreate, getModel, getNewName, getNewType, getPackage, getPackageName, getSource, getSuffix, logChange, logCreate, logger, setModel, setPackageName, setSource, setSuffix, standardElementDefClasses, transform
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BusinessInterfaceCreator()
Construct a BusinessInterfaceCreator for a Java interface.

Method Detail


protected java.util.Set extraStandardDefClasses()
Get the Classes which contain definitions of the standard elements needed for this class to operate on the model, in the form of StandardElementDef constants.

Specified by:
extraStandardDefClasses in class UmlTypeCreator
a Set of Class objects


protected void setup()
Set up the characteristics and features of the new element.

Specified by:
setup in class UmlTypeCreator

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