

Process an XMI input model with Jamda

Note: This task is not part of the Ant distribution. Jamda must be installed separately. Define the task to Ant using a taskdef such as:.

    <property name="jamda.home" location="... Jamda installation directory ..."/>
    <taskdef name="jamda" classname="com.ashridgetech.jamda.config.Jamda">
        <fileset dir="${jamda.home}/lib" includes="*.jar"/>

The Jamda transformer configuration must be set up with the nested elements described below. The transformers will be run in the order in which they occur in the configuration.

Depending on the input XMIfile, it may be necessary to convert the XMI format to one usable by Jamda using an XSLT transformation. This step is shown in the Examples below.


Attribute Description Required
inputfile the source XMI file Yes
outputfile the file where the record of the transformations is written. Used to determine whether the Jamda output is up to date with respect to the inputfile. Defaults to jamda.out in the project's basedir. No
stylesheet the XSLT file used to transform inputfile into the XMI format accepted by Jamda before it is loaded. Jamda currently includes MDtoNSUML.xsl (in the xsl directory) to transform MagicDraw XMI into Jamda XMI. Defaults to no XSLT transformation No
log4jProperties the Log4J properties file used to configure Log4J before the transformation is run. Defaults to a standard Log4J configuration with INFO level logged to the console No

Parameters specified as nested elements


The elementTransformer nested element is used to specify a transformer that applies an element transformer to the elements that have one of a set of stereotypes.


Attribute Description Required
classname The name of the element transformer class. Must implement the ElementTransformer interface. Yes
classpath Classpath where classname can be found Yes, unless the class is available on the classpath used to run Ant
stereotypes The name(s) of the stereotypes of the elements to which the element transformer is applied Yes


The codegen nested element is used to specify the standard code generator, to be applied to elements that have one of a set of stereotypes.


Attribute Description Required
dir The top-level directory to which the code is generated. Will be created if it does not exist Yes
stereotypes The name(s) of the stereotypes of the elements to which the code generator is applied Yes


Transformer is used to specify a non-standard transformer.


Attribute Description Required
classname The name of the model transformer class. Must implement the ModelTransformer interface. Yes
classpath Classpath where classname can be found Yes, unless the class is available on the classpath used to run Ant


  <!-- Check whether the Jamda output file has a later date than the UMLmodel -->
  <target name="_checkJamda">
     <uptodate property="jamda.upToDate" srcfile="mymodel.xmi" targetfile="jamda.out"/>

  <target name="prepare" depends="_checkJamda" unless="jamda.upToDate" description="Transform the MagicDraw UML model to a model usable by Jamda">
    <mkdir dir="xmi"/>
    <style style="xsl/MDtoNSUML.xsl" in="mymodel.xmi" out="xmi/NSUML.xmi" processor="trax"  taskname="MDtoNSUML"/>

  <target name="jamda" depends="prepare" description="Run the Jamda transformation">
   <jamda inputFile="xmi/NSUML.xmi" outputFile="jamda.out">
     <elementTransformer stereotypes="coreBusinessObject" className="com.ashridgetech.jamda.ejb.transform.ValueObjectCreator"/>
     <codeGen stereotypes="valueObject descObject updateObject" dir="gensrc.dir"/>

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